Purchasing in Italy - Your questions answered

When looking to buy a property you will no doubt have a number of questions, so below are a list of the most frequently asked questions.

Q: Could I pay less for my new home elsewhere?

A: No, just the opposite. We offer you your new home at lowest list price. Whether you go direct to the vendor or through a third party, the price will not be any less, and in some cases, you will actually pay more, whilst being offered a vastly inferior range of homes compared to those we can provide. The prices are set by the builder, and all prices within our literature are correct at the time of going to press. Going through a company such as ours has several advantages: You will get to see properties that suit your requirements; you will have the benefit of our many years experience, as well as the help of our fully trained, supportive staff who will help take away the stress and strain associated with house purchasing.

Q: What other costs on top of the purchase price can I expect?

A: There will be additional charges, fees and taxes, as you might expect when buying a new property. Your lawyer will be able to give you an estimate of these costs when they know more about your plans. Fees you will have to consider include those of your lawyer, the notary, bank charges, taxes etc.

Q: Should I make a will for my property in Italy?

A: It is strongly recommended that once you have purchased a property in Italy in your own name, you instruct your lawyer to prepare a will. You are allowed to have a will for your Italian assets only, without replacing the main will you may have in your own country. Most common types of will are also signed at the Italian Notary and are strictly private and confidential.

Q :Is there inheritance tax in Italy?

A: In October 2001, the Italian government approved Law No: 383/2001 abolishing inheritance tax and gift tax between spouses and other relatives to the limit of the fourth degree of the relationship. This law is known as Succession Tax. Where the beneficiary is not related to the donor, gift tax will be payable if the asset transferred is worth more than €180,760. In this instance, the tax payable ("impostra di registro") will be payable of the value of the asset exceeding the above amount.

Q: Do you have resale properties I can view?

A: Not at the moment, we have chosen to concentrate on new build properties within this area.

Q: Will the property purchase be freehold


Q: If I buy a new property will I be able to inspect it before I complete?

A: Yes, you will usually be able to make inspections at any time. On completion, you will be invited to inspect the property and make the builder aware of anything that is not to your satisfaction. Until the full terms of the contract have been met, you are not required to make your final payment. Even after you have the keys, anything you may subsequently discover that requires rectification should be brought to the developer's attention for correction.